Life Number

Past Life
You were an affluent civilian in the middle or high class.

You are the snobbiest of all the life numbers, but you were born with a sense of virtue, style and the ability to reason.

You usually value certain social status, such as education, class and family assets, but your sense of justice often makes you disregard such status in order to accept others. You normally have empathy towards the weak, however, if you were harmed in the past life, you might have become a rough and snobby person.

"6" is the number for dealing with death and producing lots of "dangerous people".

On one hand, you are well balanced and have a good common sense, but on the other hand, you don't observe the opposite poles in one spectrum, which often makes you ignorant about any matters out of your own interests; as a result, you often become too conservative or too radical.

Since you were blessed with family life in your past incarnation, your current karma often causes you family troubles.

Physical Traits
The majority of you are stylish and charming. Old women with this life number take care of themselves well, still wearing cosmetics and perfume regardless of their age.

You can choose to look sophisticated, or on the contrary, unstylish. Many of actors with this life number can play a wide range of roles, from a handsome hero to a country bumpkin.

The body type is slim to average. Your basic physical appearance is a little bit heavier than that of life number 7.

You look friendly and also unique. People find you sincere and easy to talk to.
You are social and popular. Furthermore, you are hardworking and physically very fit.

Your Profession
Your strength is in anything urban, especially in the field that requires understanding trends and popular cultures.

Your weakness at work is dealing with something unconventional or foreign but you usually overcome the weakness with your extremely hardworking nature. However, you are sometimes too eager to prove yourself and often stick your nose in the business that you are supposed to stay out of; as a result, you will harm your reputation.

You are normally a well-balanced person, but you often get confused and lose balance because of your snobby tendencies. It is important to stick to your own purity of heart; you must believe in something truthful to you, such as faith, righteousness, trust and sincerity. If you can hold on to these values, you will be protected and will prosper; otherwise, your life might get destroyed.
What You Like
You like aristocratic luxury.
Your reason tells you that your happiness shouldn't depend on social status or money, however, your snobby nature admires these. You tend to reach out for luxury in life, although you often find yourself perfectly happy with your down to earth life style in the end.
Celebrities with Life Number 6
Einstein, James Dean, Jack Nicholson, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg, Francis Coppola, Bruce Willis, Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, Eddy Murphy, Christopher Reeve, Audrey Hepburn, Edvard Munch, Sylvester Stallone, Stevie Wonder
Compatibilities with other Life Numbers
6+4 (6) can get annoyed by (4), who can be depressing, or on the contrary, too showy. On top of that, (4) is better in manipulating logics. However, they can form an extremely powerful partnership.

6+1 (6) idolizes an aristocratic (1). (6) adores (1) and tried to be like (1). Choose a good (1).

6+8 (6) feels subservient to (8). Even when (8) behaves unjustly, (6) cannot criticize for some reason. Occasionally, (6) makes fun of (8)'s seriousness.

6+7 (6) finds (7)'s innocence and loyalty precious. (6) feels strongly attached to (7).

6+9 (9) doesnSt think much of (6)'s accomplishments, which gives (6) inferiority complex. To have equality in the relationship, (6) must have big personality.

6+5 They get along immediately as they both like luxury in life, although there are plenty of differences between them. If (5) is the eccentric type, (6) cannot stand the person..

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